Habanero peppers, bell peppers and garlic are fermented in saltwater to create a spicy, Habanero Hot Sauce that's rich in flavor and delicious put on top of anything you want to add some heat.

2-3 habanero peppers chopped in half.
2 orange bell peppers
2 cloves of garlic
Basic brine: 2 cups of water & 1 Tbsp salt

Make the basic brine by combining 2 cups of water with 1 tablespoon of salt. Set aside. (You may need to warm the water up a little for the salt to dissolve.)
Chop up the habaneros, orange bell peppers and garlic and add it to the mason jar. Fill the jar to the shoulder.
Add the basic bring to the jar until the peppers are covered. Lean an inch of space from the top to avoid spill during fermentation. *Add a fermentation weight and as airlock lid if you have them.
If you're not using an airlock, cover the jar loosely with the lid so gas can escape while its fermenting.
Set on the counter away from direct sunlight for 1-14 days.
When it is done fermenting, strain the pepper mixture from the brine. Set the brine aside.
Pour the pepper mixture into a blender, turn it on medium and slowly pour the brine into the blender until you get the thickness/consistency you desire.
Pour the hot sauce into a jar or bottle and store in the fridge.