3 quarts filtered water
1/4 cup sassafras root bark
1/4 cup spearmint leaf
2 Tbsp sarsaparilla root
1/2 Tbsp licorice root
1 Tbsp ginger
1 Tbsp dandelion
1 Tbsp birch bark
1 tsp juniper berries
1 cinnamon stick
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup ginger bug

Bring 3 quarts water to boil.
Add all herbs/spices and sugar. Stir to dissolve sugar.
Reduce the heat and pour infusions through a strainer.
Let cool.
Stir in the ginger bug.
Transfer to a large jar.
Cover with a coffee filter and secure with a rubber band.
Ferment for about 24 hours. (You should see some light bubbles).
Transfer to bottle, leaving 1 inch head space.
Allow the root beer to foment in the bottle for 1-7 days at room temperature.
Transfer to the fridge to stop the fermentation process.