Have you ever been triggered and behaved in a way that, once you calmed down, you realized you were not proud of it and maybe you had some regrets?
You then explore it and decide the next time you feel like that, there is a better course of action to take, and you promise yourself, you will choose differently.
And yet, when the next trigger comes, all of the rational discussions, epiphanies, and knowledge you have gained to help you in this very event, go straight out the window, and you are reacting to your trigger in the same ways you did before.
When we are rational, and our nervous system is regulated, we are able to explore our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with ease because our brain is functioning.
We can explore how we could have behaved differently and the potential root of why we have acted the way that we have.
When we are emotionally triggered, our nervous system becomes dysregulated, and our brain operates in fight or flight mode.
This means our bodily instincts will override the logical part of the brain.
There is no ‘quick fix’ to becoming a calm, and rational person that is non-reactive – particularly if you have a lot of stored and unprocessed emotions.
The work and the journey takes time. When we have lived one way for a long time there is a lot to unlearn.
The more easily triggered a person is, the more there is to unlearn and reprogram. The triggers are gifts, showing us, where we need to shine light, and love ourselves deeper.
But once you start working on yourself in this way and you start to see the improvements in your life and your relationships, it becomes a practice that feels incredibly rewarding, and benefits everyone you come into contact with.