Sourdough differs from most bread in that it contains no baker’s yeast, relying instead on a fermented “starter” of water and flour to provide lift. This also provides its sour flavour and chewy texture.
You need bacteria and/or yeast, liquid, and something to feed the bacteria and yeast.
For instance, when making yogurt the lactose in the milk feeds the Lactobacillus bacteria strains, and the milk also serves as the liquid environment in which the bacteria live and reproduce.
In the case of sourdough starter, the bacteria and yeast are naturally occurring in the air.
We continuously feed the native yeast flour, which is jam packed with carbohydrate, and give it a nice moist environment to thrive. The reason we continuously feed the culture is to ensure there is plenty of yeast for leavening our sourdough projects. As long as you're able to get a starter going, it become forgiving in terms of the amount and timing of feedings.
You can also allow the starter to go dormant by transferring it to a sealable container and refrigerate. (Use a jar with an airtight lid).

Does fermentation break down gluten?
Yes, the fermentation that occurs in a wheat based sourdough starter and bread does break down the gluten but it doesn't eliminate it altogether. This means that sourdough bread is not safe for celiacs unless it has been made with gluten free flour.
Is fermented food good for gluten intolerance?
Regularly consuming gluten-free fermented food helps reestablish good bacteria in the gut to combat gut inflammation and helps with healing, even though it will not reverse the disease.